14 February, 2025

Mediterranean style: making fresh the hot summer


At the moment you think about mediterranean style two colors fill up your mind: white and blue. It does not matter if you are considering the clothes you will wear this summer or the furniture and decoration you will use at home. This fashion is distinguished by its simplicity, handmade and spontaneous outfit design. As the water itself, source of inspiration for beautiful compositions of poets and writers, clothe creators see in this ocean the passionate muse for their job.

Splendid societies in contact with the Mediterranean Sea are the cradle of continuous motivation on the summer catwalks. The sailor model is a well-known and famous style always repeated, also the multiple interpretations that are made of the jobs linked to traditional trades. Striped outfits, sandals tied with strings on the legs, big gilded buttons and water themes… define this garment as a tendency that even it is always transformed by inspired artists never lose its soul.

Find out the greatest Mediterranean elements in the collections of the designers. Short pants, skirts and dresses combined with exquisite open sandals and big bags are part of the garment for this occasion. You should not forget the wide-brimmed hats and dark glasses to protect your skin and eyes from the abundant sun rays.

An important creativeness comes from the Greek islands. This paradise on earth represents the environment through silhouettes and measurements. Emphasize the pretty girlish and elegant suits with extensive stripes prints joined to pink flowery texture pieces.

Different designers give a sophisticated point in their collection by accompanying the imposing female outlines with golden accessories and sequins. Finally, mischievous bathing suits and underwear brands, replaces the color blue with a more greenish tone, evoking a refined and chic beach look. In any case, if attires are fresh, pleasant and comfortable, they represent properly the Mediterranean style.

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